Animated photos were created by A Holiday Story Gin Lee had always loved the holiday season. The smell of fresh pine trees, the twinkle of colorful lights, and the warmth of a cozy fire always filled her with a sense of joy. But above all else, Gin loved the holiday cooking. Ever since she was a little girl, Gin would help her grandmother in the kitchen, preparing traditional dishes that had been passed down for generations. It was during these moments that Gin learned the importance of family, tradition, and the magic of food. Now, as a young woman, Gin was excited to host her first holiday cooking gathering. She had been dreaming about it for weeks, carefully planning out the menu and buying all the necessary ingredients. She even splurged on a new set of hand-crafted aprons for her and her closest friends and family to wear. The day of the cooking gathering arrived, and Gin's house was filled with laughter and the delightf...
Join Gin Lee, the Deep South Cook, as she guides you through the art of creating authentic Southern cuisine. From traditional dishes to decadent desserts like cakes, cookies, and pies, Gin Lee will teach you the secrets of candy making and holiday-themed recipes. And because pets are family too, she'll even share some special recipes for your furry friends. But the culinary journey doesn't stop there. Gin Lee will also delve into the world of gardening, offering helpful gardening tips too.