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Showing posts with the label Lemon Balm Medicinal Purposes

Why You Should Start Growing Lemon Balm Now!

Why You Should Start Growing Lemon Balm Now!   Why grow lemon balm? Lemon balm makes a wonderful cup of lemon-flavored tea. It's also very nice to use in different types of salads, as well as being a great herb to use when cooking fish, poultry, pork, and even beef. Lemon balm can be easily grown, and it does grow extremely fast. It's a hardy herb. It withstands hot temperatures very well. Once planted, it will keep growing, even after a really cold winter. Once spring weather arrives, lemon balm sprouts right back up. Due to this plant being a perennial. So if you're unsure what perennials are, Perennials are plants that come back every year, growing from roots that survive through the winter. Lemon balm's roots won't die unless you completely pull them up. Since I live in southwestern Arkansas, there are a lot of winters where my lemon balm leaves never die off. While sometimes the winter months do get too cold, Then the leaves die off. A hint :  J...