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Showing posts with the label The Oldest Cookbook in History: Who Wrote the First Cookbook?PULLUM FRONTONIANUM (Chicken a la Fronto)

The Oldest Cookbook in History: Who Wrote the First Cookbook?

Image by Gin Lee/Canva Studios The Oldest Cookbook in History: Who Wrote the First Cookbook? Have you ever pondered the origins of the very first cookbook? The first cookbook was written by Apicius, a Roman epicure who was known for his culinary skills. Residing in the 1st century AD, Apicius was renowned for his passion for exquisite cuisine. Apicius' cookbook boasted an array of recipes that were popular during ancient Roman times. The book included instructions for preparing roasted meats, seafood delicacies, and delectable desserts. Additionally, the cookbook featured recipes for sauces and seasonings that enhanced the flavors of the dishes. Apicius' cookbook, De re coquinaria (“The Art of Cooking), PULLUM FRONTONIANUM (Chicken a la Fronto), has withstood the test of time and remains accessible today. Within its pages, one can discover recipes such as PULLUS FUSILLIS (Chicken with Liquid Filling), VITELLINA FRICTA (Fried Veal), and more. PULLUM FRONTONIANUM (Chicken a la Fr...