Kooky cake The Wacky Cake, also known as the War Cake, originated during the World War 2 era. This was a time of food rationing for the war effort. During this period, each person was only allowed one egg per week. Many food products were scarce. So, many recipes had to be altered, and families had to adapt with the time. The Kooky Cake is my alternative for the World War 2 dessert, which was known as the Wacky Cake. Back in the day, this cake wasn't made with Splenda; instead, it was made with granulated white sugar. There is no butter, milk, or eggs in the actual cake itself. However, I do use butter in my homemade sugar-free chocolate frosting. If you don't know how to make homemade sugar-free powdered sugar, keep reading because I will be including my recipe for it, as well as my sugar-free chocolate frosting recipe. Kooky Cake Ingredients: 1 ½ cups of self-rising flour 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder 1 cup granulated Splenda 1 ½ teaspoon of pure va...
Join Gin Lee, the Deep South Cook, as she guides you through the art of creating authentic Southern cuisine. From traditional dishes to decadent desserts like cakes, cookies, and pies, Gin Lee will teach you the secrets of candy making and holiday-themed recipes. And because pets are family too, she'll even share some special recipes for your furry friends. But the culinary journey doesn't stop there. Gin Lee will also delve into the world of gardening, offering helpful gardening tips too.