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Gin Lee Original- Chocolate Eclair Cake

Gin Lee Original- Chocolate Eclair Cake

Gin Lee Original- Chocolate Eclair Cake

This cake couldn't be any easier to make. Seriously! I used a sugar-free chocolate fudge cake mix, cream cheese, cocoa powder, one container of sugar-free vanilla frosting, and topped it with some chunky chopped morsels of Russell Stover Sugar-free Peacan Delights.

The cake seriously resembles the taste of a Ding-Don cupcake. However, I would say it's much... Um... Yummier! 

This is the first time that I had ever made this delicious cake. One of the things that I would probably do differently the next time I make it- would be to finely chop the Russell Stover Pecan Delights. The reasons why is because this cake has to be kept cold in the refrigerator, and the pecan delights chopped in chunkier size pieces tends to get hard. 

1 box chocolate fudge cake mix (I used sugar-free) Follow the box cake mix instructions but add 3-4 large eggs instead of whatever the box says to add.
. 3-4 large eggs (for the cake mix)
1 package of cream cheese
1 container of vanilla cake frosting (I used sugar-free)
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
8-10 Russell Stover Pecan Delights (I used the sugar-free)

You will also need cooking oil for the cake mix. Don't use butter! Oil makes this cake more fudgy like, and helps the texture of the cake stay moist.

Mix the cake by following the box directions, but remember to add 3-4 large eggs instead of whatever the box cake mix directions say. 

Next, prepare the cake pan with a butter spray, and lightly flour it. 

Note: I did not use my normal sized cake pans on this cake. Instead I used a stainless steel oblong 6x20 buffet pan. 

Now, transfer the cake batter into the pan, and bake at 350 F, until the cake starts pulling away at the sides, and test with a toothpick. (When the inserted toothpick pulls out clean the cake is baked.)

Next, allow the cake to completely cool on a wire rack.

In the meantime, chop the pecan delights, set aside. Cream the cream cheese in a mixing bowl, add 2 spoonfuls of the vanilla frosting, and blend the two together well. Set aside. (This will be used as the center filling.)

Now, take the remaining vanilla frosting and add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder to it. Blend well. Set aside. (This will be used to spread on top of the cake.)

Once the cake has completely cooled, take it out of the pan. (I layed my cake on a thin cookie tray. So, that once I had the cake cut I could easily slice it longwise straight in the center of the cake, with a long knife.) 

Now, smear the cream cheese filling over the top of the bottom cake layer. Next, place the top layer over the cream filling. I transferred my cake back into the same buffet pan by placing it back over the top of the cake layers. Then I held on tightly to both the buffet pan and cookie tray, as I flipped the cake back inside the buffet pan. (I will explain my reasons for doing this in a bit.)

When the cake is layered, it's time to add the frosting on the top layer of the cake. Once that is completed, add the chopped pecan delights over the top of the cake. I just sprinkled the pieces on where ever it looked needed.

Next, cover the cake with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. Since the cakes filling has cream cheese in it the cake needs to stay in the refrigerator- until your ready to serve it.

So, the reasons why I flipped the cake back into the buffet pan...

I made this cake in this specific size pan, so it would actually sorta look like a large chocolate eclair. However, I knew the cake would have to also stay in the refrigerator, and my buffet pan works the best for me because it has its own lid. It fits in my fridge perfectly. But I also made this cake specifically for Thanksgiving dinner. Which means I would be loading the cake up to take over to my mom's for our holiday dinner. So, this specific pan is what worked best for me, and for my circumstance. 

If you prefer to make this cake round, square, or in any other cake pan- all would work fine. You could even make the cake in 2 layers, by using 2 cake mixes, using two separate pans. Instead of cutting the cake in the center to half it longwise.

This cake was a joy to make, and everyone really enjoyed it. I hope that y'all will enjoy it too! Happy holidays everyone!