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Signs You Are Dehydrated

Image by Mohamed Hassan/ Pixabay

Signs You Are Dehydrated

Water comprises 60-70 percent of our bodies, and we are constantly losing water. This loss occurs through various means such as urination, sweating, tears, and even breathing. It is crucial to replenish the water our bodies lose regularly.

According to a study, nearly 75 percent of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. However, by recognizing the signs, you can prevent this issue. Here are five indicators that you may need to increase your water intake:

Headache: Dehydration can lead to headaches due to the loss of sodium and potassium, reduced fluid volume, and decreased oxygen flow to the brain. A dehydrated brain can shrink and cause discomfort.

Infrequent urination: If you are not drinking enough water, you may not urinate as often. Regular urination helps eliminate toxins from the body. The color of your urine can also indicate hydration levels - clear urine suggests adequate water intake, while dark yellow or brown urine indicates dehydration.

Dry mouth, eyes, and skin: Dehydration can cause dry skin, acne, psoriasis, and eczema due to reduced sweating and toxin buildup. Dry eyes and a lack of tears are signs of dehydration. A dry mouth, swollen tongue, and thirst are clear indicators of insufficient fluid intake.

If you find yourself constantly feeling hungry, it may actually be a sign of dehydration. The brain triggers both the need to eat and drink, so when you experience hunger pains, it could be your brain signaling that you are dehydrated. If you believe you are consuming enough food but still feel hungry, increasing your water intake may help. Water doesn't fill your stomach like food does, but it can satisfy the signals your brain is sending that you may be misinterpreted as hunger.

When your muscles and joints don't feel quite right, it could be a result of dehydration. Proper muscle function relies on a balance of water and electrolytes in our bodies. Dehydration can lead to painful muscle spasms and involuntary contractions. Additionally, joints and cartilage require hydration to stay healthy and lubricated, joint pain may indicate the need for more water consumption. Back pain could potentially be kidney pain caused by an infection, which could be linked to dehydration.

By recognizing these signs of dehydration, you can take steps to ensure you are properly hydrated and maintain optimal health. Remember to drink water regularly throughout the day to keep your body functioning at its best.

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